Who We Are, What We Do, Where We're Headed
Who We Are
420 is a Local Church and House of Prayer in Indianapolis that exists to Minister to the Lord and live out the Gospel everyday. We believe that we are a priesthood unto the Lord that offers sacrifices of praise and worship on a daily basis. We believe our main task is to raise up a banner of First Love to God that will influence our neighborhoods, our city, and our region.
What We Do
We gather regularly in a few different settings. We offer prayer sets to minister to the Lord through Thanksgiving, Praise, Worship, and Intercession. We also gather Corporately to minister to the Lord together and teach through His Word. You can find the times on our homepage and directions under the directions tab. We want our lives to represent 1 Corinthians 4:20 and see the Gospel saturate our city and then the nations. We have communities throughout the nations that we pour into regularly through trips and relationships. If you'd like more info for men's nights, women's nights, community events, and more, go back to the homepage and sign up for our newsletter at the bottom.
Where We're Headed
We believe the Lord has called us to minister to Him and live out the Gospel everyday. We are seeing the Lord building a resting place in our city through us, where His Presence dwells and He meets with his people. Everything we do is for this purpose. His manifest Presence will transform our city and the nations.
Our leadership team, worship teams, prayer leaders, and volunteers are committed to a lifestyle of Presence first, meaning that being with the Lord is our life's pursuit. We want to prioritize the prayer closet in secret. The Lord is our daily bread, sustaining us and pouring into us so that we can continually pour out for Him.
If we're each committed to a personal pursuit of the Lord, then when we come together we have Undivided Hearts. Hearts and minds that have one desire; to seek the Lord and dwell in His temple for all of our days. We want to see Jesus rightly, give Him what He's worth, and therefore hear Him clearly.
The Lord's leadership MUST be a priority in all of our gatherings. We believe that we are His body and His body expresses the fullness of Christ when we come together. We want to be defined by one phrase; "The LORD is here". When God is represented through His body, and we give Him the seat of Leadership in all that we do, there is a corporate anointing that will be expressed, displaying the glory of God on earth.
Jesus is God in the flesh and He came to show us the will of God, become the atonement for all our sins, and invite us into eternal life through knowing God. His blood is the most powerful substance that exists, both cleansing our conscience and empowering us to live like Jesus.
Loving God is our top priority. Ministering to Jesus is our life long assignment. Worship is a lifestyle of adoration.
We want to pursue the Presence of God so that we can know Him, represent Him, and overflow with His Presence.
Treat everyone to the measure that we see Jesus in them. If we have an issue with someone we communicate it to them.
Always be full and hungry for more.
Miracles are a manifestation of the heart of GodLOVE
The measure of our success is directly related to how well we love. True love can only be received by God and it should be given back to Him.
Jesus reigns on the throne of David, expanding his Kingdom through modern day priests who minister to Him.
We are all anointed with the anointed one.
There’s no such thing as a one man ministry. Jesus is the leader of His house and the head of His family. We yield to His leadership.GOD'S PRESENCE
The Presence of God is the ONE thing we seek. We're committed to gathering for, growing in, and being sent from Him whom all things flow. God's Presence is central to everything we do.
The Holy Spirit directs, guides, and empowers us to live exactly like Jesus. The Holy Spirit is the gift that Jesus died to give us and is God in us and God with us. He empowers us to do the miracles of Jesus and live a holy life. He gives us gifts and seals us for eternity.
We believe that God has your eternal identity, calling, and purpose established before the foundation of the earth, and any identity outside of that is against His will. He is the way, truth and the life and you cannot know your true identity outside of knowing Him. We believe that everyone should be loved with the love of Jesus and that love is transformative, shaping you into His image which is the redemption of your true image. There is a deep desire within the LGBTQ community to be known and seen. We believe that desire is only met in the Lord.
We believe that the Bible is God breathed and God inspired and displays the heart of God towards humanity. The the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart (Hebrews 4:12).
All have fallen short of the glory of God and no matter what you do, you cannot earn salvation or righteousness. Only the blood of Jesus can you bring you into salvation and make you clean. There is one way, one truth, and one life that brings the redemption of sins and that is Jesus Christ.
We believe the answers to life's toughest situations should find themselves in the people of God. However, the primary reason for the church's existence is to minister to God, represent the fullness of Christ, gather for, around, and unto His Presence. We care deeply for the heart of God and desire to be His resting place. Therefore our primary concern is not for man, it's instead to offer ourselves to Him as living sacrifices.
Baptism is a physical representation of what happens in salvation. You are dying with Christ, and then resurrecting in new life unto Him. Baptism is commanded in Scripture, is a fruit of following Jesus, and is done through full immersion just as a burial would be done.
We believe that marriage is a gift from God that represents our relationship with Him in an earthly manner. We hold to the biblical definition that marriage is an intimate covenant between to opposite sex individuals.
We hold to the Biblical truth that life begins at conception and the God given plan and purpose for that life has been established before the foundation of the world. Abortion is the taking of an innocent life. Therefore our conviction is that any taking of innocent life is objectively against our foundational beliefs.
420 Ministries / 1930 Woodlawn Ave Indianapolis, IN